Monday, September 17, 2012

Today's Devotional Thought

Passage: John 9
Notes: Have I developed schemas of how I expect God to work, or am I ready to look at His work and receive whatever He chooses to do, and worship Him for it?
What began in unbelief turned to accusing God of sin, reviling the one He healed, and generally turning spiritual leadership into a human endeavor to enforce their belief system about God, or be ostracized and excluded from the community. How deceived and evil we can be once we believe we know it all!
We would be wise to retain the humility of the one still searching for further enlightening, rather than believe we've "got it."
Lord, please help me to always humbly look to you and not build schemas of how you operate and first fail to recognize you, and then possibly fall into all kinds of sin defending my schema.

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