Friday, December 12, 2008

Red Light Relief Coming

Oklahoma City will lead the nation technologically - and it'll mean faster commutes! Apparently, there are Wi-Fi boxes on a bunch of traffic lights already to supply Internet access to who-knows-whom. They'll hook the traffic lights into that so that they can coordinate them so you don't hit one red light after another. We'll see how well it works, but it's certainly nice they're trying (can't believe there's no one else doing this yet).

Source: Koco TV

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas is When All Your Chocolate is Gone

We bought Advent calendars for the girls. They have little doors you can open each day of December until the 24th, and behind the door is a piece of chocolate. They are wildly popular with them. Tonight, La was counting the days remaining that they would still have chocolate. I suddenly realized that we had also been teaching them that December 24th is when baby Jesus comes. I can see them reasoning: we're getting chocolate every day until baby Jesus comes. What then? Is baby Jesus eating the chocolate? Worse yet, Ly answered Ch's question, "when is Christmas?" with,

"Christmas is when all your chocolate is gone."

I'm sure they're looking forward to baby Jesus' arrival now.

About That Mall...

As was obvious to anyone who uses the Council exit on I-40, construction on the outlet mall hasn't exactly started. I found a news item from NewsOK that says it is supposed to happen in the Spring, with opening now targeted for Summer 2010. I'd say, we can be cautiously optimistic...