Saturday, September 12, 2009

Here's Your Sign

So I tried to microwave some leftover tea on Sunday morning, and I pressed start on the microwave, and it goes something like, "puff," and the clock disappears, and that was it. Obviously, I head to the breaker box (De? Vo?). None of the breakers is messed up, so Ly and I try various ones for a while until we have acertained that the microwave has gone to microwave-heaven. Alarmed, I head to the washing machine, which still contains the load I did last night, which should have been in the dryer. I pull out the dial ... nothing. You see, the microwave and the washing machine were on the same outlet. I plug in a light later that day, which works just fine.

I'm very relieved that new washing machines are only $328 and up, with some fairly respectable ones at $450. At the same time, I'm hoping the machine had a fuse or something that took the hit. We sure liked it - it was perfect for us. I decide I'm going to open it up and see whether I can attempt surgery. Since I'm pretty busy, we spend the week without a washing machine until I finally get to it Friday night.

Inside, there gazoos of wires going every direction, but none look especially bad. I recognize that there's nothing I can do, so I put it back together and try one more time. Nothing.

Then again, maybe there's not supposed to be any water going when the dial is at the end of the washing cycle ("Off").

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