One of the issues considered in one of my classes was “the problem of evil.” Simply stated, why is there evil in this world when an Almighty God can (and clearly many times does) intervene? Assuming that He does intervene, why does He intervene some times, but not others?
One of the answers has been that God is determining everything that happens. I.e., Hitler rising to power would be God’s doing. Another point of view gives credit to the fallen world being responsible for the evil in this world, and therefore, a baby dying from sickness is considered due to how this world operates since the fall, because it is under the power of the evil one.
Of course, God does heal sick babies at other times, which begs the question why some are healed, and others not. One answer has been that God knows everything, and therefore let this particular baby die for some higher purpose. An answer to which many have replied, “which higher purpose would be so significant that the pain of a baby dying, possibly after a sickness that took a heavy toll on the small child, would be worth it?” As a minister, and a parent myself, I need to think hard whether I can see myself giving that answer to a grieving parent. “If it feels so wrong (in my eyes), can it be right (in God’s eyes)?” While that question is certainly not the perfect tool for measuring biblical truth, it at least encourages a very careful review. I myself have surely been dissatisfied by the “higher purpose” explanation.
I feel that Isaiah 65:20 shares something about the heart of God regarding this matter, as the prophet is speaking about the new heaven and the new earth:
No longer will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days
God grieves when little children die. I don’t think that the god who promises a future where this horrible experience will never happen again, would use it as a means to accomplish His purposes now. Not a final answer, but still at least a tendency to me.
I must say that I have been infinitely comforted by the "higher purpose" viewpoint. I know and believe God is sovereign and in control of my life. It is comforing to know that God has a purpose for making me the parent of child (or possibly two) with autism. I may not know what that purpose is yet, but I believe He allowed it to happen and that is comforting to me. Because where he allows suffering, He also brings joy, comfort, and strength if I depend on Him.
It's true that we live in a fallen world, and because of sin there is evil and suffering (the two are not really the same). This is one of the classic questions of atheists, if there is a god, and he is good, why does he allow bad things to happen? We can't always know why things happen, but we can't see things from HIS perspective. He has a plan!
Jeremiah 29:11
(sorry so long)
Another thing about the "God determines everything that happens-Hitler rising to power would be God's doing"----
It's one thing to say that God put Hitler in power, and another thing to say that God allowed Hitler to rise. He does give free choice, but He still accomplishes His purposes.
(Sorry I comment so much here, but I like to talk about these things and feel like they are worth talking about.)
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