Saturday, September 13, 2008

Bible Stories in Blue Books

Ch was done brushing her teeth before La was, so I sat down with her on her bed, where she asked me to tell her a story. "Not the sheep one" (La's favorite), she pointed out. So I told her,

"There was a man once who was really small.
He wasn't tall like Uncle P.J.
He was really short.
One day, Jesus came to town, and the short man really wanted to see Him."

At that point, Ch exclaimed, "That story is just like La's blue book!" Off she scrambled to find the book, while I continued that the short man had to climb on a tree because there were so many people surrounding Jesus, and he couldn't see Him.

Obviously, their reading corner was dark at this point, and we had to turn the lamp back towards the books, and get it lit. Soon, she had found the book that is just like the story of Zacchaeus.

It's Not Easy Being a Bunny. Hmmm.

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