Friday, July 11, 2008

And I Thought the CD Was Dead

Ha! I thought everyone was saying the CD was dead, and iPods rule the roost. Now here's an interesting statistic:

People who buy CDs as often or more often than digital music:
Age 18-35: 73%
Age 36-50: 88%
Age 51+: 91%

I don't know about the quality of the survey (the percentages don't add up, for instance, and there weren't that many people polled, nor do I know the process). But the numbers sure are very different from where I thought things were supposed to be heading. It does beg the question: what are the teens buying?

Note: I added up "All CDs," "Most are CDs," and "About half and half" to come up with my number. The survey can be found at .

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