In the second week, our topic was "Biblical Foundations of Mission." We discovered how God's desire for the return of the nations into His family is displayed in Scripture from beginning to end. As a matter of fact, you would be hard pressed to find five successive chapters that do not mention it in some way. We considered various motifs that appear repeatedly in Scripture. An example for a motif would be God's using people that were not special in their own right (compare Gideon, Saul, David, Naaman's wife's servant girl, the fishermen among Jesus' disciples, the boy who brought the five loaves of bread and two fish).
We saw an amazing graph showing how phrophecy in the Bible has been fulfilled and witnessed to elsewhere in Scripture. With the Biblical books at the bottom, lines were arching from left to right like a time exposure of a starry night. It was powerful indeed!
The Story of His Glory, by Steve Hawthorne, summarizes the theme of our week well. It's definitely worth reading.
We saw an amazing graph showing how phrophecy in the Bible has been fulfilled and witnessed to elsewhere in Scripture. With the Biblical books at the bottom, lines were arching from left to right like a time exposure of a starry night. It was powerful indeed!
The Story of His Glory, by Steve Hawthorne, summarizes the theme of our week well. It's definitely worth reading.
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