Thursday, March 26, 2009

Before I Answer that Question...

Leadership: Growth

Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.

Jack Welch

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Perspective on National Debt

Our debt is currently about 11 trillion dollars ($11,000,000,000,000). To put that into perspective, if you had started a business at Christ's birth - in the year 0 - and lost a million dollars a day, you could keep that up for another 700 years to equal 1 trillion in debt. Remember, we're 11 trillion dollars in debt.

Source: Rick Warren mentioned this in a web video at Purpose Driven Connection.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sag' es mit der Rose

Sag' es mit der Rose means, "say it with the Rose" and illustrates the concept of saying things kindly by not being too direct and getting the point across subtly. My daughter has made progess on this matter, I'm sure, but there is still room for growth...

I was at church after the service, having picked the girls up from children's church, and Ly still had some work to take care of. So I stayed in the gym with the girls, and since the basketballs were out, I took a few shots. I did miss a couple, which prompted La to say,

"Why don't we go home, because - it's not working."

The gift of encouragement, no doubt.

Monday, March 2, 2009


[You need to read the preceding post first for this to make sense.]

She noticed that she had forgotten the original message. Behold, it was all in response to my e-mail this morning, which ended in,

I noticed that this change must have already occurred, so no further action is needed.

Work Conversation

I know you would all love to know what I do at work. Here's to satisfy your curiosity: I read e-mails. Revealing messages like this one:

Fwd: Re: Wrong wording

The change has been made.


[Person's Name]

>>> Can you fix this?
>>> [Original Requestor's Name]

I'm glad they copied me in, so I'm in the know.